03.05.2018 09:01

Differential scanning calorimeter DSC 204 F1 phoenix

Differential scanning calorimeter DSC 204 F1 phoenix

Differential scanning calorimeter DSC 204 F1 Phoenix was developed by the German NETZSCH group. The versatile differential scanning calorimeter, DSC 204 F1 Phoenix, fascinates with its unique concept: all essential operational components are integrated into the instrument and optional add-ons can be installed anytime. DSC 204 F1 Phoenix runs under “Proteus” software on Windows supplied with everything necessary to carry out measurements and evaluate the resulting data.

The temperature range of this calorimeter is from -180 to 700°C. This instrument also has wide range of heating and cooling rates: from 0.001 to 100K per minute. The maximum speed of the cooling (200K per minute) is achieved by the technology of cooling by liquid nitrogen. Depending on the situation, different cooling systems can be used: compressed air cooling, intracooler system or liquid nitrogen cooling. The calorimeter has very short time constant with T-sensor and extremely high sensitivity with ц-sensor. The instrument measuring cell (crucible) consists of a cylindrical high-conductivity silver block with an embedded heating coil for broad thermal symmetry (3D symmetry) in the sample chamber. Besides, the instrument has an automatic sample changer.

The differential scanning calorimeter can be used to research physical properties of polymers, most solid organic substances and some metals. The working technology of this instrument is based on the difference between the heat capacity of the control crucible and the crucible containing the tested substance. Visual result of the instrument performance is graphs of the crucibles temperature depending on the amount of heat. By the experiment the time dependence of the temperature differences between crucible with the tested substance and the control crucible are measured. Using the special software, you the specific heat, evaluation of crystallization and more parameters of the substance can be obtained, the heat being determined by heat flow and time derivative of heat. Heat flow is measured as the temperature difference at the two points of the measuring system at one moment. The measurements can be conducted under isothermal conditions and in a dynamic mode at a programmed temperature change.

Any solids and liquids can be investigated without their reacting to the material of the crucible. To obtain good results the mass of the tested sample should be at least 4 mg, the maximum sample weight being limited by the crucible volume. The weight of the material is selected according to the situation. The larger the mass of the sample, the smaller the error of outside factors is. The greater the amount of the substance, the less accurate measurements of temperature and heat are.

Баско А. В.

Differential scanning calorimeter DSC 204 F1 phoenix

Опубликовано 03.05.2018 09:01 | Просмотров: 615 | Блог » RSS

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